The Shelter

In a world where everyone has an opinion, it is sometimes difficult to feel free to be who you are.

We are afraid of making mistakes, afraid of being judged, afraid of never being up to par. We live constantly convinced that our life is a showcase, because by now it has really become one.

In a world where everything is noisy, where people no longer whisper but only shout, have you ever looked for a secret place? A hide and seek? A shelter? A place where you and your deepest being exist?

The Bible speaks of six cities, called “cities of refuge,” a place where those who had made a mistake could take refuge, find safety and shelter. Away from those who would have wanted to take revenge and kill them.

Sometimes our fears, our mistakes, our pasts seem to be our greatest enemies … we feel haunted by them even when we are not.

God had foreseen all of this, and set these cities aside so that he could give shelter to those who needed them. Today He is our greatest refuge!

Sometimes we run away from Him precisely because we are convinced that we will be judged, when we have not understood that he will always and only be the only one in the world to look beyond our mistakes. Who forgave us even before making mistakes, and who chose us not for what we have done but for what we are. Let us take refuge in him and learn to be a refuge for others.

Let’s learn how to stop judging and embrace more.

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