Month: October 2020
Ladies and Embroidery
The figure of the tailor represents a piece of the history of the woman who tried to free herself from the slavery in which she had been confined for millennia.
Read moreThe Fish Soup
The fish soup represents the highest expression of poor dishes, born out of necessity but nowadays a dish for (almost) rich people.
Read moreThe Shelter
God is the One Who forgave us even before making mistakes, and who chose us not for what we have done but for what we are.
Read moreTullo Ostilio King Of Rome
If Numa Pompilius gave Rome the religious cults and the calendar, Tullo gave Rome a military rule, new citizens and new land, following the deeds of the founder Romulus.
Read moreThe Rape of the Sabine Women
It is in memory of this event that all over the world still today, the newlyweds cross the threshold of the house with the bride in her husband’s arms
Read moreNuma Pompilium: The Second King Of Rome
The reign of Romulus lasted thirty-seven years, Rome had made giant steps in a short time, had opened trade and dialogue with all neighboring peoples.
Read morePandemic and health: Covid19, a challenge that can recover humanity
The pandemic is the Damocles’ sword that hangs over our heads, reinvigorating atavistic fears and driving humanity away from human contact.
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